
The Princeton Historical Society will hold two programs on Sunday, March 12th. The first is a silent auction of Princeton maps, art work, and historical books including two sets of Blake’s town history.  The items have been donated to benefit the society and may be viewed and bid on the next three Saturdays (Feb 25, March 4th and 11th) from 10-12 in the Woodward Room of the Princeton Library. Final bidding will be held on Sunday, March 12th from 1:30 to 2:00. Nancy Orlando will then lead an open discussion of life in Princeton from 1915 – 1930.  Her topics are relevant today: xenophobia, job loss, and women’s rights.  We hope you will join us for talk and refreshments.   Winning bidders will be announced at the end of the program.

Silent Auction and Princeton from 1915-1930